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We aspire to offer an MBA that will be a unique learning experience different from all the other part-time MBAs. Below are the ten most important reasons why you should choose our program:
1. Founded in 1998, it is the first Executive MBA in our country, thus counting 20 years of educating executives
2. It is listed among the best Executive MBA programs in Europe, according to the international organization EDUNIVERSAL (http://www.best-masters.com/ranking-master-executive-mba-in-western-europe.html)
3. It is accredited by the international organization AMBA (Association of MBAs)
4. It is the only program in Greece that it is targeted to entrepreneurs and experienced executives either in middle or high-ranking hierarchical levels of the largest Greek and Multinational Organizations
5. It increases the career development potential of its graduates; most of them are nowadays Managing Directors and General Managers
6. The teaching staff is a blend of esteemed academics and respected professionals.
7. It is the only program that particularly focuses on the development of its graduates’ leadership and strategic skills.
8. It is the most well-known and recognized program, while organizations think highly of its staff and level of studies.
9. According to the annual survey that measures satisfaction of both students and graduates, we can safely claim that our participants feel very satisfied.
10. Hard working administrators, faculty and extraordinary visiting professors ranging from world-class intellectuals to senior executives make all the above possible.