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New Publications

The Digital Future – George Doukidis

  • Hits: 1279

Nowadays, digital technologies serve additional purposes than to increase operational efficiency and management productivity. They further support the business transformation, through extensive, redesigned business processes, such as total customer/citizen service throughout their life cycle and regardless the channel. They also support the development of new services and business models, which either redefine the value chain of specific industries or create new business sectors.

The purpose of this book is to analyze the digital environment and explore the digital changes emerging from technological developments, from the new needs of citizens and business strategies in the context of the digital economy, giving special emphasis on the Greek examples. The chapters are divided into four parts: 

The first part deals with the digital transformation in terms of service, operating processes and business models. It analyzes the digital innovations, the new digital business models, the prerequisite of corporate culture in digital organizations, the new sector transformations such as digital platforms, the new processes such as customer service and the transformation capabilities offered by digital technologies such as big data, internet of things etc 

In the second part we discuss the link of digital technologies with business strategies and developments at the sectoral level. Specifically, we analyze how digital technologies affect the structure and future of important sectors of the economy, such as industry, retail, banking, transportation, logistics, and small companies. 

The third part refers to the necessary policies that need to be implemented for the proper functioning and sustainability of the emerging digital environment. The development opportunities are analyzed, but also the risk of the digital revolution, the organized strategic framework for digital Greece, the important parameters of e-government, the required digital skills, the development of e-commerce, the protection of privacy and the exploitation of IT research projects.  

The fourth part deals with digital technologies and systems that support the digital future, such as ERP systems, digital marketing systems, business analytics, data mining techniques, the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and gaming systems. 

The book is published in the context of the completion of 25 years of operation of the Laboratory of Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business (ELTRUN) of the Athens University of Economics and Business. The authors are researchers, academics, executives and entrepreneurs who have worked or collaborated with ELTRUN over the past 25 years on various research / development projects and / or initiatives related to a sustainable digital future.

Strategic thinking and practice-Vasilis Papadakis

  • Hits: 1898

Selecting the appropriate strategy and determining the strategic plan to execute it are the foundations of competitiveness, growth and sustainability of contemporary business organizations. Therefore, the effectiveness and success of executives rests on their ability to identify opportunities, set priorities and develop a coherent strategic plan in an admittedly ambiguous, fast-changing, complex and highly competitive business environment.

This book is not for scholars only. On the contrary, it is a valuable practical guide that helps executives to develop strategic thinking and coherent strategic plans; it also provides tools for strategic analysis and methods for making strategic decisions.

So, if executives and managers regardless of their hierarchical level are looking for a short, comprehensible, articulate and practical book that will guide them through the business strategy field, then they should definitely give it a read. The basics of strategic theory are presented concisely but thoroughly. Each chapter begins with either thought questions or a case study presentation, upon which the reader is invited to reflect. Following, is the description of a theoretical concept and the link between the case study and the thought questions. The chapters typically conclude with an exercise that is meant to demonstrate the connection with the everyday business life. Thus, it establishes and translates the relevance of strategy theory to its application in the practice field.

In more detail, drawing from current thinking and theoretical concepts in the field of strategic management, the book contributes to the development of:

  • Strategic thinking process, beginning with the formulation of compelling and clearly articulated strategic questions that set the scene for practical issue
  • Strategic analysis of the relevant data in order to better understand the strategic landscape
  • Strategic decision-making skills
  • Strategic planning and effective strategy execution.

The successful manager and leader-Dimitris Bourantas

  • Hits: 1807

In every occasion that an executive demonstrates both leadership and management skills, the results are extraordinary. And not only for the organization, but also for themselves. In this book, Dimitris Bourantas covers the core theoretical perspectives and also the key research areas of leadership and management effectiveness. More specifically, twelve critical competencies are given special attention:

  • Setting priorities and personal planning
  • Selection of right people
  • Effective delegation of roles and duties
  • Development and career advancement of colleagues
  • Selection of appropriate leadership style
  • Effective performance appraisal
  • Listening and persuading skills
  • How to inspire and motivate your people for achieving extraordinary results
  • Empowerment and coaching skills
  • Creating a results-oriented culture
  • Building a winning team
  • Continuous development of leader characteristics

Innovation, Strategy, Development and Information Systems-Doukidis Giorgos

  • Hits: 1855


The objective of this book is to help companies understand the significance and usefulness of management science and information systems in the modern business environment, so that executives can make right and informed decisions drawing from the up-to-dated techniques of management and technology. The book does not focus on technical matters but rather it aims to guide practitioners to effectively proceed in employing new technologies in the organizations, taking into account issues of information systems integration within the organization, information systems utilization according to the organization’s capabilities and its implications on processes and individuals, as well as information resources management. The book also refers to the role of information systems on innovation, strategy and growth in the context of digital economy.

  • The innovations discussed refer to addition of new services, the customer-oriented business focus, the development of new business models etc
  • The role of Information Systems (IS) in business strategy refers to the ability for making good decisions, to the restructuring of business processes, the collaboration between organizations etc.
  • The role of IS on growth refers to government actions taken for the development of e-entrepreurship, e-Government, skills empowerment etc

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