News & Events

News & Events

Open day: Friday, 15/05/2020 @ 18:00

  • Hits: 1622
  • Program presentation from the Director and Professor of Strategy, Vassili Papadaki
  • Open discussion with the candidates about the course requirements and expectations
  • Directions on the applications procedure
  • Q&A with professors and alumni


Employment and International Mobility: Wednesday, March 27 2019

  • Hits: 2570

Athens University of Business and Economics and The E.U. Jean Monnet Initiative jointly organize the Workshop “Employment and International Mobility”, on Wednesday, 27th of March 2019. There will be speeches on the institutionalized assessment methods and personnel selection in the Organization of United Nations and European Union. A representative of the European Employment Services will inform the audience about the employment opportunities abroad. Additionally, the participants will have the chance to learn more about internship and international mobility in both private and public organizations. The event will take place in the Derigni Auditorium of the University (Patision 76, Athens, 1st floor, Central Building), 10:00-13:00 and is open to all.


  • Hits: 2055

Starting from the current academic year, Executive MBA leadership board has decided to reactivate the initiative “Back to University” for its graduates.

The initiative gives the opportunity to any graduate of the program to attend any of the elective modules of the program that run through the year without having to pay any additional fee. However, due to the fact that the classroom limits the number of participants, only the first three who will express their interest on a module will be granted participation. Interested candidates may contact with Executive MBA Secretary Lambropoulou Katia (e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. tel. 210 8203 638) for more information about the modules and the class days.

Apply now for the academic Year 2019-2020

  • Hits: 1904

The Interdepartmental Executive Master Program of Business Administration accepts Greek university and technological institution graduates, who have already begun their professional career and wish to enrich their scientific background and develop their management and leadership skills in order to efficiently manage the contemporary enterprises.

Business Strategy Game’s Presentations for the 20th consecutive year

  • Hits: 1947

On Saturday, January 12th 2019, Business Strategy Game was presented for the 20th consecutive year by the Executive MBA students. Forty ambitious executives, divided into eight teams, competed to win in the game.

The winning team was ACME Corp. and was composed of Gounela Amalia, Stamati-Daragianni Maria, Vardaki Kosta, Vourtzoulidi Kosta and Avouri Dionisi. ACME was consistently at the first place since the beginning of the game, leaving no room for doubt to its great competitors. It is also worth mentioning that for some of the annual decisions, the team was ranked among the 100 best teams of the Game worldwide.

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Executive MBA Professors Bourantas and Papadakis speakers in the 10th Conference and Expo Pharmacy & Medical Management and Communication

  • Hits: 1775

The 10th conference “Medical Management and Communication” was organized by Charami S.A. This is the event that Greece's most dynamic and successful health professionals attend year after year to learn compelling solutions and new executable ideas that will set the stage for continuous growth and, consequently, the upgrading of Greece's Health sector. The conference took place on February 2nd and 3rd 2019 in Megaron Athens International Conference Centre. More than 6.500 health professionals (pharmacists and doctors) attended the conference from all over the country. Pharmacists show great interest for the Workshop “Management of a Team of Pharmacists”, which focused on the contemporary management methods about communication and finance of a Greek Pharmacy. Special scientists, like Professor of Strategic Management (AUEB) V. Papadakis and Professor of Management D. Bourantas (AUEB), discussed the need of transformation of pharmacist to a Strategic Leader, the management strategies and the future of pharmacy, while they did not omit to refer to the tools that the pharmacist can use for a more effective communication.  


Online “Vassilopita cut” for the Executive MBA of Athens University of Economics and Business!

  • Hits: 1662

New Year’s traditional “Vasilopita cut”, for the Executive MBA of Athens University of Economics and Business took place via zoom on 18.02.2021!

The total number of participants was overwhelming as more than 250 graduates, students and guests of the Executive MBA of the Athens University of Economics and Business gathered to exchange wishes with the Program’s Professors for 2021!

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Executive MBA welcomes "Clio Muse"

  • Hits: 29660

On Tuesday January 19, 2021 in the context of the course "Electronic Commerce", the lecturer, Ms. Katerina Pramatari, and the students of the Executive MBA welcomed Mr. Giannis Nikolopoulos, co-founder of the company Clio Muse cliomusetours. Mr Nikolopoulos presented the progress of a business model canvas and how this led to the creation of a successful start-up company that aspires to travel their clients all around the world through innovative technology.

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Dimitris Bourantas: Leadership lessons learned from the management of the coronavirus pandemic

  • Hits: 1820

By Dimitris Bourantas

Our country, despite going through a ten-year economic crisis, the significant problems of immigration, the enormous multiplicity and bureaucracy, became a global example to be imitated. Indeed, the results (rate of deaths and cases in the population) were way better compared to most economically strong countries with modern public administration policies, structures and well-developed health-care systems. These outstanding performances were obviously not accidental, but the result of exemplary leadership and management practices from which we can learn valuable lessons as citizens, politicians and executives of organizations and businesses. We can learn in the sense of changing the way we think and behave in order to achieve global performance and become pioneers in all areas.

See more here.


Executive MBA welcomes the students of the 23rd series of the program

  • Hits: 1596

On Friday, September 11, 2020, the Executive MBA of AUEB organized a welcome event for the new students that took place in the new building of AUEB always taking the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (masks, antiseptics, outdoor space, and social distance).

After a short greeting from the Director of the Program, Mr. Papadakis, the students participated in a series of experiential exercises under the guidance of the Assistant Professors of AUEB Mrs. Nikandrou and Mrs. Karantinou. The students shared with us their expectations, enthusiasm and goals through exercises of acquaintance, cooperation and personal expression



George Doukidis: 40% of graduates are unemployed

  • Hits: 1696

Greece has the largest percentage of unemployed graduates, according to the professor of the Athens University of Economics (AUEB) and a member of the Board of the Athens Exchange, George Doukidis. Almost 40% of graduates are unemployed at a time when the country's businesses are looking for highly qualified executives. That is why the Greek graduates need ... massive ... specialization.

The professor of AUEB, also notes in Liberal that the country still lacks good middle executives as there is a complete absence of technical training. The Greek State, according to Mr. Doukidis, has "taken advantage" of this situation in recent decades by degrading secondary technological education. On the contrary, the prevailing principle has been “get a university degree and frame it”...

See more here.


Stress Management in the Executive MBA program of AUEB

  • Hits: 1749

Καραλάζου Θωμαή

There is no doubt that the Coronavirus pandemic in addition to other concurrent issues has rendered the period we are going through one of the most stressful periods in recent years. As such, effective stress management becomes extremely important. 

A few days before the closing of educational institutions, the 2nd year students of the Executive MBA of AUEB had the opportunity to attend an informative seminar (aside from the standard courses of the curriculum), on the subject of Stress Management. 

During the seminar, psychologist, Ms. Karalazou Thomai, underlined that stress is a healthy biological survival mechanism, but we must learn to manage it effectively. That's why she introduced some good stress management practices. 

For those interested, Ms. Karalazou's key notes, which are more relevant than ever, can be retrieved from the Executive MBA website in pdf format by clicking here.

Family Business event

  • Hits: 1855

Why do only one in ten family businesses reach the third generation? The Executive MBA of AUEB organized an event in which keynote speakers UCLAN professor and Fellow at Cambridge University Mr. Pannikos Poutziouris and Mr. Nikolas Loumidis (member of the 3rd generation of the well-known Greek family business) discussed the problems typically faced by family businesses but also the families associated with them. 

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Graduation Ceremony 2016-2018

  • Hits: 1619

The Rector of Athens University of Economics and Business Professor E. Giakoumakis, the Dean of the Department of Business Administration Professor G. Siomkos and the Director of the Interdepartmental Master Program in Business Administration for Executives (Executive MBA) Professor V. Papadakis invite you to the 19th Graduation Ceremony of Executive MBA students which will take place on Tuesday, December the 18th, at 18:00 in the Ceremony Hall (Central Building, Entrance Patision 76). The ceremony will be followed by a reception at the foyer of Antoniadou Wing, where graduates will celebrate their achievement together with their family and friends.

Vasilopita cut by the Executive MBA Graduates

  • Hits: 2217

Vasilopita is a Greek tradition, where on the first day of the New Year, people cut the bread hoping to find the coin that is said to bring them blessings throughout the whole year. A few days after the New Year’s Eve, in the cozy environment of Free Thinking Zone, Executive MBA Graduates cut the Vasilopita. Professors Bourantas, Papadakis and Nikolopoulos honored us with their presence.

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